Sadbhavna Vikas Samiti

Sadbhavna Vikas Samiti is a non partisan, non governmental and civil society organization started by a group of social workers to uplift the weaker sections, mainstreaming of women, to promote child friendly environment and work for the comprehensive development of the Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh. The region is known for its seasonal migration due to environmental challenges, rampant unemployment and lower indicators in Human Development Index. The idea of starting ………. was of Mr Jagpal Yadav along with other his grassroots social leaders to ensure sustainable intervention in society and work through an institutional approach.

Who We Are

The leadership team comes from diverse fields but one thing connects them is the human value of ‘Srijan’ with scientific temperament and sustainable plan of action. Members of team have been Yatris of Sarvoday Movement, local Jalyatras, social action research and community driven social innovations. We follow the Gandhian Principles of truthful for wider social causes, empowerment of people, women participation, community work and ecological sustainability.


Shri Jagpal Yadav is a well known social worker and a trainer working in various districts of Bundelkhand region. As a student, he worked with many Sarvodayi social leaders and actively took part in campaigns on children, women participation, civil rights, environment protection and issues of public causes. Since last 30 years, he continuously works on social issues, help government organisations in social awareness, active participation of people and stakeholders and invite development agencies to be part of larger sustainable community level interventions. He believes in peace, social prosperity and ecological sustainability should be base of any work and collaborative efforts are the key to success.

"Together, we can create a brighter future for all"



Capacity Building

We work as a capacity building team to train various groups of communities including women, teachers, police, youths, health workers, entrepreneurs and any need based organization development work. 

Social Venture & Entrepreneurship

Sadbhavna works with women and local youths for innovation based community livelihood projects. We identify women and youth groups, jointly discuss on social venture plan and jointly develop.

Community Work

Community centred campaigns are key to our each interventions so that various stakeholders especially weaker sections can participate in all social programs and empower themselves.